Before Baby
Classes to take while you’re counting the days.
Prepare for a confident start to multicultural parenthood by learning how to bridge your values with what we know about babies from day one.
Worried about life with a newborn?
Prepare your family for a soft landing.
What’s inside?
Two classes full of content to prepare you for the newborn days, including an entire class on sleep because we’ve been there and get it. Our classes are designed to help multicultural parents bridge their values with the research to find what will work for their unique family.
What to expect in the first hours, days and weeks
Bonding with baby
Understanding cues and cries
Newborn care
Tummy time: why, when, and how much
Choosing a pediatrician
Choosing caregivers
Balancing your needs with your baby’s
Sleep development in the first 12 weeks
Routines: how and when to start
Feeding and sleep
Options for sleep
Sleep safety
Balancing your needs with your baby’s
Support for preterm babies, adoptive families, and multiples
Short format videos with captions
An original illustrated guide
Prompts to get you talking
Downloadable resources
Complete reference list
Do you ever wonder…
What does our baby really need?
Maybe you've already gotten lots of advice from friends, family, and even strangers. A lot of it is contradictory, or doesn't quite feel right. Some of it is outdated. Maybe one grandmother-to-be has different opinions from the other. If you're feeling confused or overwhelmed, you're not alone.
Our classes will guide you from the first few hours through the first few months of life with a baby.
We’ve asked and researched all the questions, so you don’t have to. Our classes cover everything you need to know (and nothing you don’t) to prepare for life with a newborn.
And because our classes are designed with multicultural families in mind, we’ll help you bring each of your cultural values and practices into parenthood from day one.
Oh, and they’re fun!
Classes in this Bundle
All About Your Newborn
Understand your baby and thrive from day one
Sleep in the Fourth Trimester
What to expect and how to prepare
“Melina has strong instincts, a great sense of humor, and a warm non-judgmental approach that puts parents at ease.”
— Ronit P., mother of 2
What to expect:
Our classes are designed to be taken together. Learn, process, and work through the questions and leave class on the same page.
Class can be taken at your own pace. Complete it in an evening or over the course of a few days. We think it makes a great at-home date night!
Our videos can be streamed from any internet-connected device. They are not downloadable.
Our downloadable workbooks contain cheat-sheets to jog your memory later and help you process in the moment, printable resources to have on hand, pages to jot notes or journal on, checklists, and more.
Learn together, leave connected.
Hi, I’m Melina
I’m the founder of Pueblo and the person who will guide you through each class. I have over a decade of professional experience working with families, but the most important lens I bring is as a parent to two multicultural kiddos myself.
These classes bring together everything you need to raise your multicultural baby confidently together.
I can’t wait for you to get started. My door (em, inbox) is always open.
The content offered on ParentPueblo.com is for informational purposes only. Pueblo is not engaged in rendering professional advice, whether medical or otherwise, to individual users or their children or families. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or your medical or health professional. By accessing the content on ParentPueblo.com, you acknowledge and agree that you are accepting the responsibility for your child’s health and well-being. In return for providing you with an array of content “parenting” and “child development” information, you waive any claims that you or your child may have as a result of utilizing the content on ParentPueblo.com.